8 Marvelous Types Of Millipede You Can Find In the Wild

There is a common misconception that millipedes have 1,000 legs. While this isn’t true, it is true that there are thousands of different types of millipedes that reside all over the world.

Of these thousands, as many as 1,000 lives across North America alone. So, this really does put into perspective just how many different types of millipedes there are in the world. 

8 Marvelous Types of Millipede You Can Find In the Wild

While we’re not going to sit here and tell you all about the thousands of different millipedes that exist, we are going to give you a good insight into the different types of millipede that exist.

So keep on reading to find out about 8 marvelous types of millipede that you can find in the wild. 

1. Cylindroiulus Caeruleocinctus 

First up we have Cylindroiulus Caeruleocinctus. This is the scientific name for one of the most common species of millipedes that exist. 

This type of millipede has a brown-black body with brass-colored edges, and they tend to be a similar shape to a kidney.

With long bodies usually measuring between 20 and 30 mm in length, you will usually find these millipedes in small-forested areas and parks. 

They are a small, but common, species of millipede, and one of the species you are most likely to see in day to day life. 

2. Striped Millipede

Next up, we have the striped millipede. This millipede is fairly similar to the last millipede that we looked at at first glance. However, when you take a closer look, you will spot the differences. 

Firstly, the striped millipede tends to have a much plumper body, and is more brown than black. Its coloring also makes it look as if it is striped, hence this millipede’s name. 

Unlike the last millipede we looked at, the striped millipede likes to live in sandy areas, often taking residence under old rocks and logs. 

3. White Legged Snake Millipede

The white legged snake millipede looks slightly different to the others that we have looked at so far.

It is much more dull in color, and also tends to be smaller too. This millipede has a dark body which is contrasted by its white legs. 

At its largest, these millipedes tend to measure around 25 mm which is smaller than the last two that we have looked at. It also has a protruding rear segment that makes it easy to identify. 

You will find the white legged snake millipede in moist woodland and gardens, or in rotting wood and leaves. It doesn’t like dry areas, it likes damp areas. 

4. Greenhouse Millipede

Greenhouse millipedes are well-known by those who enjoy gardening. These millipedes are often considered pests because they enjoy feasting on plants that are only just growing. Much to most gardeners dismay. 

In reality, greenhouse millipedes often only spend a handful of days in a greenhouse.

After this, they tend to spend the majority of their time outdoors in your yard. They have dark black bodies and are fairly easy to spot. 

As their name suggests, you will usually find them in your greenhouse, or just outside it in your garden. 

5. Sierra Luminous Millipede

The Sienna Luminous millipede is native to California’s Sierra Nevada mountains.

This millipede is well-known for a number of striking features, 2 of the main ones being: it is blind, and it is bioluminescent. 

The fact that it is blind isn’t totally unique as it isn’t the only blind millipede. However, it is the only known type of millipede that is bioluminescent. In addition to this, it can also produce cyanide when it is threatened.

So it is a very interesting type of millipede. 

The only place where you will find this millipede in the wild is in the Sierra Nevada mountains. 

8 Marvelous Types of Millipede You Can Find In the Wild (1)

6. Shocking Pink Dragon Millipede

Another unique type of millipede is the shocking pink dragon millipede. This millipede is part of the dragon millipede family, and they are unique as they do not have flat backs. Instead, they have spiky appendages. 

The shocking pink dragon millipede is even more, well, shocking, because of its bright pink body.

This color is important because this millipede, just like the Sierra luminous millipede, can produce cyanide to poison any creature that attacks it. 

While this millipede has some things in common with the Sierra luminous millipede, they are found in two very different areas, as you will only find the shocking pink dragon millipede in Northern Thailand. 

7. North American Millipede

One of the most famous millipedes in North America is the North American millipede. Also known as the American giant millipede. As its name suggests, this is a species of giant millipede that is well-known for its large body. 

The North American millipede is found in multiple States across the USA. These millipedes often grow as large as a couple of inches, which is considerably bigger than all the others that we have looked at so far.

They usually have black bodies, but can occasionally have colored segments. 

You will often find this millipede in woodland areas, and it is also native to Canada too. 

8. Bumblebee Millipede

Another giant millipede that is easy to recognize is the bumblebee millipede.

As its name suggests, this millipede is a black and yellow millipede, and it almost looks stripey with the ways that the different sections of its body are connected. 

This species of millipede originates from South America but has become naturalized in the USA after it was accidentally brought here with ornamental plants from the USA. It is a large millipede that you will commonly see in the USA.

The bumblebee millipede usually resides near plants, so you may find one in your garden. 


As you can see, there are lots of different types of millipedes in the wild. Of the thousands that can be found around the world, we have taken a look at 8 of the most marvelous in this guide.

From striped millipedes to shocking pink dragon millipedes, we have demonstrated just how different these millipedes can be.

Thank you for reading!

Olivia Kepner