Is a Wolf Omnivorous Animal?

Naturally, a wolf is not an omnivorous animal, as they are obligate carnivores. And they are apex predators on the food chain, which hunt with entire packs when they prey on large animals to eat meat.

wolf omnivorous

However, lone wolf prefers small animals like rabbits, hare, snakes, etc. Their topmost priority when it comes to feeding is a meat or protein-based diet. 

But they are also opportunistic animals that can feed on anything if they do not find anything. In this blog, we will explore the feeding behavior and nature of a wolf.

Are Wolves Omnivorous, Herbivorous, or Carnivorous? 

It totally depends on the circumstances. These are facultative carnivores, despite being considered one of the most dominant predatory animals in the wild.

They are skilled hunters known to hunt in packs, allowing them to take down much larger prey. However, wolves are not strictly carnivorous and occasionally eat fruits, berries, and other vegetation in times of scarcity. 

While their diet may include a small amount of plant matter for specific reasons, it is clear that wolves are primarily carnivores, and their diet plays an essential role in their ecological role as top predators of ecosystems.

Are Wolves Herbivores?

Wolves are not herbivores and are classified as carnivores. They are apex predators in their natural habitats and feed on large ungulates like deer, elk, and moose. 

They are also opportunistic eaters and will consume smaller animals like rabbits and rodents, as well as carrion if it is available. 

While wolves are not herbivores, they play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by regulating the populations of their prey and preventing overgrazing in certain areas.

Do Wolves Eat Vegetables and Plants?

Wolves are typically considered carnivorous animals, relying heavily on meat as their primary source of nutrition. However, there have been some instances where wolves have been observed eating plants and vegetation.

These instances are usually rare when their traditional prey, such as deer or elk, are scarce. In these situations, wolves have been known to eat berries, fruits, and even grasses.

However, a wolf’s digestive system is not designed to break down plant matter efficiently. This means that while they may eat vegetation in times of need, it is not a sustainable source of nutrition for them in the long term.

Are Wolves Carnivores?

Wolves are apex predators known for their prowess in hunting and prey animals.

 As such, they are obligate carnivores, and their diet consists primarily of meat, which they obtain by hunting or scavenging. 

They have powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and keen senses that allow them to track and take down prey. 

While wolves are opportunistic hunters and will consume a wide range of prey, including small rodents and birds, their preferred prey is large ungulates such as deer, elk, and moose. 

Is a wolf omnivorous animal?

Omnivores are animals that feed on plants and meat. But Wolves are not omnivorous animals.

Wolves are generally considered predatory animals, meaning they primarily feed on meat. However, in certain circumstances, wolves have also been known to exhibit omnivorous behavior.

For example, during food scarcity or when prey is difficult to find, wolves may eat plant matter and fruits.

Additionally, some studies have suggested that wolves may consume plant material to improve digestion or obtain essential nutrients that may be missing in their diet. 

Despite their primarily carnivorous nature, wolves have remarkable adaptability to survive unsuitable conditions.

Smaller Mammals

Wolves also prey on small mammals if they don’t find anything to eat. So they feed on hares, rabbits, and so on. 

Birds, Snakes, and Other Animals

Wolves are wild creatures, and for survival in the wild, they eat whatever they get if they don’t have anything. In such scenarios, they even hunt animals that are hard to prey such as snakes or  Birds. 


Wolves don’t know how to climb, but they have impressive jumping skills, which help them hunt their prey. By using their jumping skills, they reach the bird’s nests nearer to the ground. 


When hunting snakes, wolves prefer to target and prey on non-poisonous snakes. However, they hunt the snakes occasionally.

Do Wolves Eat Grass?

Wolves do not eat grass, as their diet mainly consists of meat. They are carnivores and their digestive system is not created to process plant material.

 However, there have been instances where wolves have been observed eating small amounts of vegetation, such as berries, fruits, and roots. This is often due to a lack of available prey or supplement to their diet. 


Wolves are carnivorous species. They are not herbivores or omnivores. But they eat berries, cherries, other fruits, and vegetables in case of a meat shortage. 

These wild animals hunt in wolf packs to feed all the members animal matter. However, lone wolf usually doesn’t prey on large animals, rather they hunt small mammals or animals. 

Lastly, they consume much of their diet from animal meat, as their system can not digest vegetables. Occasionally they eat vegetables, fruits, or grass. They are not fond of grass, and they only eat plants when facing stomach issues, same goes for domestic dogs.

Check out the video below to discover more about the feeding nature of a wolf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are any wolves omnivores?

Wolves are carnivores and predatory animals. 

Why are wolves omnivores?

Wolves are not omnivorous animals, and they primarily feed on meat. In rare cases, or for snacking, they eat berries, cherries, fruits, or vegetables. 

Why is a wolf a carnivore?

Wolves are carnivorous animals because their anatomy and digestive system are adapted to eat and digest meat.

Can wolves eat raw meat?

Wild wolves eat raw meat.

Olivia Kepner