Animals That Are Brown

You might happen to own a brown dog or might have seen one on the streets, but dogs aren’t primarily brown animals.

Animals That Are Brown

On the other hand, there are some creatures in the animal kingdom that are typically brown and whose furs, hair, and skin is of different brown hues and shades.

In this article, we have many animals that are brown, along with some fun facts and information about them you might not already know.

So, keep reading below to see which brown animals we have for you!

13 Animals That Are Brown


Alpacas are South American camelids that are frequently mistaken for llamas, while both of these species are related to camels. They have been tamed by the Andeans and eat only plants, while they are also quite sociable animals.

As for their color, they have 16 different ones, which include light, medium, as well as dark brown. No matter what, however, they all have delicately textured wool that makes them great for hugs!

Brown Bear

A brown bear is a big, hairy creature living in Europe (Also check out Animals That Live In Europe), Asia, as well as North America that is also considered a national animal in many countries.

This animal, as its name indicates, has long and dense fur that varies in color and that usually depends on where it lives.

Also called grizzly bears in regions like North America, you might have also heard some people call them Kodiak bears. However, this is a subspecies of the famous brown bear which lives in the homonymous Alaskan islands.

They are considered to be the world’s biggest bear species, only marginally smaller than polar bears.

Bactrian Camel

It’s normal if you haven’t seen any Bactrian camels in the Sahara Desert, as they are big creatures living in Central Asian plains.

They are also classified as Mongolian camels and it’s worth mentioning that they have been domesticated since there is a Bactrian sibling of them that’s still living wild and untamed.

Moreover, Bactrian camels are distinguished by their color and their hump. That is because, unlike the camels encountered in Africa and the ones most people picture when they think of camels, these ones have one hump rather than two, and are brown in color.

They are also quite big and heavy animals, weighing over 2,000 pounds and standing up to more than 8 feet tall.

Brown Trout

You might have heard of the German trout, but that is just another name for the brown trout as this fish used to live mainly in Western Europe.

Nowadays, you can find a brown trout in any lake or river in the world apart from Antarctica as it has been bred in those waters too by humans.

With a lifespan of 12-20 years, it is a fish with brown skin that might even be as heavy as 44 pounds, but you will usually find them sold by the fishmonger weighing anything from 2-10 pounds.


Animals That Are Brown

Orangutans are wonderful apes that live in the Indonesian and Malaysian tropical forests. They are the biggest of the tree-dwelling living creatures, with amazingly long arms, short legs, and red-brown body color.

They also have impressive foreheads, which are particularly noticeable in the young ones, while the male orangutans usually grow to have thick cheeks that draw attention to their heads.

However, the most fascinating fact about these animals is that they are human’s closest living relatives, as we share nearly 97% of our genetic material with them.

In fact, the very term “orangutan” is derived from the Malaysian words “orang” and “hutan,” which mean “forest human.”

And yes, they have brown fur and black skin, which you can clearly see on their face, palms, and other limbs as that is the only place where they’re not covered with their brown hair.

Ruddy Ducks

Smaller in size than other ducks, ruddy ducks have stiff tails, short necks, and white heads and cheeks with black caps.

Native to North America, you can see them swimming in your nearest pond or lake if you live in a North American region.

One thing you might notice, though, is how their coloration changes with the seasons, as in the summer they have a chestnut-brown color whereas when winter arrives, they turn grayish-brown.

Bongo Antelope

The third largest antelope species, bongos are another animal in this list that eats only plants and has brown fur!

They also have vibrant white stripes on their sides that assist them in camouflage, and they have spiraled horns and tails regardless of their gender.

Native to Africa, they are divided into two subspecies, western and eastern. Eastern bongos are browner than western ones, but their coats’ pigmentation can run off easily, so if rain runs off a bongo it can be red-brown.

Bicolor Commodore

The Bicolor Commodore is a stunning, nymphalid butterfly that is prevalent in the Asian tropics and subtropics. It is distinguished by its dark brown wings that expand to reveal its vibrant yellow forewings.

These butterflies also have white patches on the back side of their wings, with both sides presenting wavy structures.

There is not much known about these lovely butterflies, but they are mostly found in the wild and they can fly over 8000 feet in certain Asian regions, including India!

Animals That Are Brown


Minks are semi-aquatic animals native to North America, Europe, and Asia. If there is a tree shelter near the area, these animals are typically seen near lakes and streams.

Long and thin, with short legs, pointy snouts, and claws, they are brown in color but range from tawny brown to deep dark brown, especially when seen in the wilderness.

Minks are great at digging, swimming, and climbing, as they are capable of swimming up to 100 feet beneath the water and jumping from branch to branch.

And while they might have an adorable appearance, they are amazing predatory animals who kill other animals with a bite to their necks.


Also recognized as Carpinchos or Water Hogs, Capybaras are rodents, but not just any rodent. They are actually the biggest rodents in the world!

They partly live in water and partly in the scrublands and waters of Northern and central South America. They are animals that mainly eat plants, but they do eat their own feces too because surprisingly enough, it is a great source of protein.

With their facial features high on their heads to stay vigilant and attentive to all kinds of threats, they are another animal on this list with brown fur.


A walrus is a big sea creature that lives in the waters of polar regions. It is another friendly and social animal that can cohabitate in a group of 100 animals if needed.

They have big tusks and whiskers that are two of the features that they are most known for, and they are big enough to notice from afar too.

Their skin is dark brown or red-brown and even though they are nearly twice as heavy as bears, bears still attack them on occasion.


A pangolin is quite often referred to as a scaly anteater, and it’s easy to see why: they have lengthened snouts and tongues that they use to consume their favorite food, ants, and bugs.

While it is true that this animal looks like an anteater but with sturdier armor, these two creatures aren’t related to one another.

The term “pangolin” is derived from the Malaysian term for roller, “penggulung,” and alludes to the animal’s behavior of rolling into a ball (see also: Animals That Roll Into A Ball)as a means of hiding from its predators.

With its color ranging from light brown to dark, it is also a mammal that’s, unfortunately, the no.1 victim of trafficking on our planet, with people taking it from its natural habitat to use it for food and medicine.

Cedar Waxwing

In case you’ve actually seen a Cedar Waxwing sometime in your life, you’ve definitely distinguished it from the other birds flying around in the area.

That is because this bird is anything but ordinary, and the color mix it presents must have had you looking at it with wonder.

Medium in size, Cedar Waxwings have a stunning combination of dark brown, white, red, and black on their wings, with their bodies being the color yellow.

These birds do well and grow best in forest areas, and they tend to have a preference for locations that are closer to rivers and streams.

As a result, you will mostly see them in countries like Canada or regions like the South American northwest.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we presented you with 13 animals that are brown in color. Some of them live in the wild, others have been domesticated, while others live only in specific regions of this world.

Either way, they all have their own distinguishable features, and they all belong to a different species, which makes them quite special!

Olivia Kepner