Animals That Are Quiet

There are two kinds of sounds that animals produce: mechanical and vocal, and while it seems almost impossible to think of an animal that makes no noise or one that is quiet, there are actually plenty of them.

Animals That Are Quiet

Animals make vocal sounds for a number of different reasons, some examples of which are to show their dominance, invite another animal of their species to reproduce, warn other animals about their territorial land or waters, or simply interact with others.

On the other hand, the mechanical sounds they make are those you can hear when they chew, move, or fight, which comes as natural rather than being consciously produced.

So, if you can’t really think of any animals that are indeed quiet, then the list we have in this article will intrigue and fascinate you!

10 Animals That Are Quiet


If you want to have a Nemo in your aquarium, rest assured that he will keep quiet!

Goldfish are quiet animals (see also: Animals That Are Quiet But Fierce)making no sound at all, as they use body language to interact with each other. However, they do hear really well, so you can’t hide anything from them (good think they’ll forget it right away).

Even though goldfish can be energetic from time to time, they are generally quiet creatures that do not need a lot of extra noise or fuss in their surroundings.


Small in size and absolutely endearing, rabbits are one of those animals that can be found all across the globe, with the exception of Antarctica.

Because of their sweet character, these little creatures have become a preferred pet option for many people.

Many of those who end up owning a rabbit get worried when they realize how quiet their rabbit is, thinking there might be something wrong with it.

However, this is not a reason for concern as rabbits lack vocal cords, which makes it impossible for them to produce any vocal sounds.

The only noise you can hear them make is a growl, a hiss, or a snort, as well as other mechanical sounds like chewing.


We might be used to seeing sloths in animation films taken slowly and in a dull way, but in reality, these extraordinary creatures don’t really do that.

Not only are they extremely slow, but they are also extremely quiet too, and given how slowly they move, eat, and breathe, it might not be that big of a surprise!

However, the little ones do produce squeaky sounds when they feel scared or are left on their own, while the older ones can produce low-pitched sounds, mostly associated with anxiety and fear.


With no limbs and tiny size, worms are one of those freshwater creatures or subsurface ecosystems. They also differ in length, and you can see anything from tiny worms to as big as 3-foot ones.

Moreover, they make no sound at all when moving or interacting with each other; rather, they use their other senses – touch and taste – to communicate with one another.

Animals That Are Quiet


Jellyfish are sea animals known for their umbrella-like looks and the stingy bites that many of us have experienced.

They are also one of those creatures that have no brain (literally), meaning they lack the power to communicate through vocalization. As a direct consequence, they are completely silent animals.

If you are wondering now how these creatures communicate with one another, let us inform you that it’s probably with the use of their vibrantly colored lighting system, which is also the way they attract their food source as well.


Snails are tiny and seemingly unthreatening animals that can be seen all over the world in a wide range of environments, from backyard lawns to woodlands and even tunnels.

Regardless of their dissimilarities, all the snails in the world share two distinguishing features: their shells and their lack of producing sounds.

They are another animal in this list that lacks vocal cords, with the only sound coming from them being produced whenever they eat or pull back into their shelled homes.


Most of us are scared to death when thinking of encountering a snake. That is because in most stories heard or most of the documentaries we’ve watched, snakes appear out of the blue in front of people and attack them.

Well, the reason why that happens is that snakes don’t have vocal cords, even though they do have a larynx.

Even so, they can produce their characteristic hissing sound, while most species also make a rattling sound or rub their scales too.


If snakes are threatening to most people, then sharks are to every single person on this planet, and it’s not just because of the film Jaws.

Sharks move and attack way too fast, and they do it without making a single sound thanks to their special scales that allow them to swim while staying totally silent.

This potential is just one of the many reasons why sharks are among the most powerful predatory animals in the sea.


Giraffes are a widely known mammal, distinguished by their tall necks and graceful stature. Another thing they are known for is being extremely quiet.

Yes, these massive animals, other than the sound they make when they are moving and chewing, keep quiet. Expect for when it’s urgent, they can go days without making a single sound.


Crabs are among the most silent animals on the planet. The majority of their life is spent searching for food or attempting to hide from predatory animals.

When they aren’t doing any of these things, they are usually lurking in the dark corners of the underwater world, not bothering anyone.

They are also very quiet animals that use a special and extraordinary way to talk (see also: Animals That Talk)to each other, called stridulation.

Indeed, stridulation is quite a rare method of communication that entails crabs rubbing their claws against their legs to produce a sound.

The Bottom Line

Some of these animals are cute and friendly, others are hostile and threatening, but either way, they are all quiet!

Olivia Kepner