5 Different Types Of Chihuahua: Official And Unofficial Breeds

Chihuahuas are a fantastic dog breed to own!

Here are some things you’ll learn in this article: information about both unofficial and official Chihuahua breeds, the distinctions between purebred and mixed Chihuahuas, how to choose the right Chihuahua for you and more.

5 Different Types Of Chihuahua: Official And Unofficial Breeds

There are two recognised varieties of Chihuahuas: those with short hair and those with long hair.

You may read more about these typical Chihuahuas as well as how they vary from one another below.

Short-Hair Chihuahuas

The Short-Hair Chihuahua is the first variety that is frequently encountered. The Smooth-Coat Chihuahua is another name for this breed.

All Chihuahuas have quite different hair kinds, which typically have nothing to do with how long their hair is.

Short-Haired Chihuahuas can have smooth or coarse hair. These dogs’ coats don’t require any difficult grooming, such trimming or style.

Unexpectedly, their undercoat loses more than those of longer-coated Chihuahua breeds.

Because they originate from Mexico, chihuahuas were bred to have short hair. Mexico is a hot, tropical nation distinguished by its jungles, deserts, and scorching climate. 

Because of this, the majority of the Latin American and Mexican dog breeds were bred with short hair and sleek coats.

Due to their short coats, Short-Hair Chihuahuas are susceptible to sunburn and pests like fleas and ticks if left outside in the summertime.

Make sure your Short-Haired Chihuahua has access to plenty of shade, water, and medication to ward off ticks and fleas.

Long-Hair Chihuahuas

The Long-Hair Chihuahua is the other kind of Chihuahua recognised by the breed standard.

In terms of weight, size, and body shape, this Chihuahua is similar to the Short-Haired Chihuahua.

In fact, a Long-Hair Chihuahua with short hair would look just like a Short-Hair Chihuahua!

Despite the humour, you should never shave a Chihuahua. Shaving their fur can damage the fur and possibly the skin.

Long-Hair Chihuahuas do require some combing to maintain their long hair in a tidy state. These fluffy canines are not quite as needy as Hollywood frequently portrays them to be.

These tiny fellows only need a weekly grooming to avoid matting and a few hair trims here and there. 

These canines are now celebrities thanks to Hollywood. The popularity of Chihuahuas in the U. S. has grown as a result of their appearance in movies and television programmes.

Long-Hair Chihuahuas don’t require a second coat to be warm because their coat length is longer. In comparison to certain other long-haired breeds, their hair is usually easier to manage.

Compared to other long-haired dog breeds, long-haired Chihuahuas shed less.

Unofficial Types Of Chihuahua

Unofficial Types Of Chihuahua

The only varieties of Chihuahuas recognised by breed standards and permitted in dog show venues all around the world are the two mentioned above.

Many Chihuahua breeds are not recognised as formal varieties of the breed. However, their distinctive characteristics still make them stand out from other Chihuahuas. Keep reading to find out about some of the unofficial types of Chihuahuas.

1. Apple Head Chihuahuas

Due to their head’s almost perfect resemblance to an apple, Apple Head Chihuahuas were given this name.

Their eyes generally stick out more than those of other varieties of Chihuahuas because of this form, which also results in a small nose and a petite body all around.

Additionally, their legs are frequently shorter and “stubbier.” Apple Head Chihuahuas may be more prone to eye issues like eye scrapes or ingrown eyelashes due to their protruding eyes.

Watch your Apple Head Chihuahua’s eyes closely for any signs of injury, such as squinting or scratching at the eyes.

The fact that Apple Head Chihuahuas frequently have a soft spot around their heads is another issue with their health. It is known as a molera.

This sensitive region can result in brain haemorrhage or damage if a Chihuahua receives a head bite from a bigger dog or sustains a head injury.

These Chihuahuas are more likely than other varieties of Chihuahuas to experience dental and sinus issues. Keep a sharp eye on your Chihuahua’s health if you own one of this breed.

2. Deer Head Chihuahuas

In comparison to an Apple Head Chihuahua, this type of Chihuahua has a much narrower head, a larger nose, and longer legs.

Due to the size and shape of their heads, they cannot participate in dog shows much like Apple Head Chihuahuas. In show rings, a round head form is preferred.

Due to the form of their heads, their large, dark eyes, and (typically) their brown colour, chihuahuas are often described as “deer heads.”

These Chihuahuas also typically have lengthier limbs than their canine relatives with apple heads. This enhances the appearance of a deer.

Despite the fact that they are not permitted to participate in the competition, Deer Head Chihuahuas do have a more naturally shaped head.

Notably, Deer Head Chihuahuas often experience less health issues than other varieties of the breed.

In addition, some owners claim that this breed is more self-assured than certain other varieties. These animals are less prone to be scared of people or large animals.

3. Teacup Chihuahuas

With a height of six inches and a weight of under three pounds, the Teacup or Miniature Chihuahua is the tiniest of its kind.

The typical Chihuahua weighs between four and six pounds, although tends to be less than six pounds.

Despite being the world’s tiniest breed of dog, chihuahuas have the largest brain-to-body ratio of any canine breed.

They are therefore relatively intelligent considering their size. With their enormous personalities, they more than make up for any size or height deficiencies.

Chihuahuas are loud, playful canines with moderate to high levels of activity.

They adore you and follow you everywhere, but they also know how to enjoy a relaxing afternoon nap. 

However, a significant disadvantage of Teacup Chihuahuas is that they can cost more than their bigger Chihuahua cousins.

The explanation is that these really tiny canines are sought-after luxury accessories.

Many of the most well-known people in the world have been seen walking around with a teacup Chihuahua in a bag.

Other health issues affect Teacup Chihuahuas. Due to their delicate skeletons, these tiny dogs frequently break bones and can be challenging to housebreak.

Final Thoughts

There are positive things to be stated about all of these great canines, regardless of the breed of Chihuahua you now own or decide to acquire.

You can’t help but love the Chihuahua because it is such a wonderful dog in a tiny package!

Olivia Kepner