Birds A to Z – Alphabetical List of Bird Species

Have you ever marveled at the diversity of our feathered friends but found it overwhelming to navigate through the vast array of species? You’re not alone! With countless bird varieties globally, discovering, identifying, and learning about them can be a delightful yet daunting task.

From the common birds we see daily to the elusive species tucked away in distant regions, the kingdom spans a spectrum of colors, sizes, habitats, and behaviors.

Imagine unlocking the mystery behind those birds whose names might start with less-common letters like G, Q, or even Z—each holding its allure and uniqueness.

Whether you’re an avid bird enthusiast or just starting to spread your wings in the bird-watching world, this comprehensive Birds A to Z guide will unveil a treasure trove of information. You’ll gain insights into species worldwide, their habitats, distinctive traits, and more. Dive in and discover the fascinating world of birds from A to Z!

What Makes These Birds Unique?

These birds stand out due to their distinct characteristics and behaviors, each contributing to their uniqueness in the avian world. Let’s delve into what makes these feathered creatures special:

Gannets, recognized for their exceptional fishing prowess, showcase remarkable diving abilities. Plummeting from heights up to 130 feet, these birds execute impressive plunge dives into the water at 60 miles per hour. 

Their streamlined bodies and keen eyesight aid in this breathtaking hunting technique, making them adept fish catchers.

Meanwhile, Quetzals, known for their splendid plumage, boast iridescent green feathers that shimmer in the sunlight. These stunning birds in Central and South American rainforests possess an intricate beauty that captivates observers. 

Additionally, they are revered in Mayan and Aztec cultures, symbolizing freedom and wealth due to their vibrant appearance.

In essence, whether it’s the remarkable diving skills of Gannets, the vibrant beauty of Quetzals, or the captivating behavior of Zitting Cisticolas, each bird possesses unique qualities that distinguish them within the avian realm.

Unique Birds With the Letter A



Known for their immense wingspan, Albatrosses are oceanic birds found in various regions across the globe, predominantly in the Southern Ocean. 

These majestic birds glide effortlessly over the ocean surface for hours, using their impressive wings to cover vast distances. Albatrosses mainly feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans, employing their remarkable ability to forage over extensive areas in search of food.

American Avocet: 

This striking shorebird, recognizable by its slender, upturned bill and distinct black-and-white plumage, frequents wetlands and salt flats across North and Central America. 

American Avocets primarily feed on aquatic insects, crustaceans, and small invertebrates, utilizing their uniquely shaped bills to sweep through the water and sift out prey.

Other birds with names starting with “A”:

  • African Grey Parrot
  • Anna’s Hummingbird
  • Andean Condor
  • Australian Magpie

Birds Name Starting With B

Blue Jay: 

Blue Jay

The Blue Jay is a striking songbird known for its vibrant blue feathers with white and black accents. Native to North America, these birds inhabit forests, parks, and suburban areas. 

Blue Jays are omnivorous, feeding on nuts, seeds, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates. Their raucous calls and striking appearance make them familiar in many regions.

Barn Owl: 

Recognizable by its heart-shaped face and eerie screeches, it is a nocturnal hunter found across all continents except Antarctica. 

These owls primarily reside in open habitats such as grasslands, farmlands, and marshes. Feeding mainly on rodents like mice and voles, Barn Owls play a crucial role in natural pest control.

Other birds starting with “B”:

  • Bald Eagle
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • Blackbird
  • Brown Pelican
  • Bulbul

Birds’ Name Begin With C



The Cardinal’s vibrant red plumage (in males) and melodic song are a familiar sight across North and South America. These birds frequent woodlands, gardens, and shrubby areas. Cardinals primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and insects, displaying a preference for sunflower seeds and berries.

Crested Auklet: 

Found in the northern Pacific Ocean, it is a seabird notable for its distinctive crest and striking breeding plumage. These birds inhabit coastal regions and islands, diving underwater to catch small fish and planktonic prey.

Other birds starting with “C”:

  • Common Myna
  • Cuckoo
  • Canada Goose
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Common Loon

Birds Name Beginning With the Letter D



Ducks are diverse waterfowl found worldwide in various habitats like ponds, lakes, rivers, and coastal marshes. They have webbed feet aiding in swimming and primarily feed on aquatic plants, insects, and small fish. Ducks’ adaptable nature allows them to thrive in freshwater and marine environments.

Downy Woodpecker: 

This small species inhabits forests and wooded areas across North America. Recognizable by their black-and-white plumage and short bill, Downy Woodpeckers forage on tree bark, seeking insects and larvae as their main food source.

Other birds starting with “D”:

  • Dove
  • Dusky Grouse
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • Dunlin
  • Darter

Popular Bird’s Name Begins with E



Eagles are majestic birds of prey found on almost every continent. These powerful raptors inhabit diverse habitats like mountains, forests, and open plains. Eagles are carnivorous and hunt for prey, including fish, small mammals, and other birds.

Eastern Bluebird: 

Eastern Bluebirds are vibrant, small thrushes predominantly found in eastern North America. They reside in open woodlands, orchards, and parks. Their diet consists mainly of insects, berries, and fruits.

Other birds starting with “E”:

  • Eurasian Sparrowhawk
  • Emu
  • Egyptian Goose
  • European Robin

Birds Name That Begins With F



Falcons are birds of prey known for their swift flight and adept hunting skills. In various habitats, including deserts, grasslands, and mountains, they feed on smaller birds and occasionally insects or rodents.


Flamboyant and recognizable by their pink plumage, Flamingos are wading birds commonly spotted in shallow waters of tropical and subtropical regions. Their diet primarily consists of algae, crustaceans, and small aquatic creatures.

Other birds starting with “F”:

  • Finch
  • Fairywren
  • Frigatebird
  • Fulmar
  • Flycatcher

Unique Birds With the Letter G



Gannets are seabirds known for their exceptional plunge-diving skills. These birds can be found in coastal areas around the world, primarily nesting on cliffs and offshore islands. Gannets predominantly feed on fish, diving from considerable heights into the water to catch their prey.

Golden Pheasant: 

The Golden Pheasant, native to China, is renowned for its dazzling plumage. These birds prefer forested areas and feed on seeds, berries, and insects found in their habitat.

Other birds starting with “G”:

  • Green-winged Teal
  • Goshawk
  • Grebe
  • Grosbeak

Birds That Begin With the Letter H


Hawks are raptors found worldwide in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, and urban areas. These birds of prey primarily feed on small mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles or insects.


Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds primarily found in the Americas, from Alaska to Chile. They inhabit diverse ecosystems, from forests to gardens, and have a specialized diet consisting mainly of nectar from flowers and occasionally small insects for protein.

Other birds starting with “H”:

  • Heron
  • Hoopoe
  • Harrier
  • House Sparrow
  • Hornbill

Birds That Begin With the Letter I


Ibis birds are found globally in various wetland habitats, including marshes, swamps, and mudflats. They have long, curved bills that aid in probing the water for insects, small fish, and crustaceans.

Indigo Bunting: 

Indigo Buntings are small songbirds native to North America, often seen in open woodlands and along forest edges. Their diet primarily consists of seeds and insects.

Other birds starting with “I”:

  • Inca Tern
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker
  • Indian Peafowl
  • Inaccessible Island Rail

Birds With J in Their Names


Jacanas are tropical wading birds in wetlands and marshes across the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Known for their exceptionally long toes, they navigate floating vegetation in search of insects, small invertebrates, and seeds.


Juncos are small, sparrow-like birds native to North America. These birds inhabit coniferous forests and mountainous regions, primarily feeding on seeds, insects, and occasionally fruits.

Other birds featuring “J”:

  • Jay
  • Jackdaw
  • Junglefowl
  • Jaeger

Birds With K as Their First Letter


Kestrels are small birds of prey found across much of the world, typically inhabiting open habitats like grasslands, farmlands, and urban areas. They primarily feed on small mammals, insects, and occasionally birds.


Kingfishers are known for their vibrant plumage and remarkable fishing abilities. These birds are found near freshwater bodies like rivers, streams, and ponds, where they hunt for fish, insects, and aquatic invertebrates by diving into the water from perches.

Other birds beginning with “K”:

  • Kookaburra
  • Kite
  • Kakapo
  • Killdeer

Rare Birds With L



The Lammergeier, also known as the bearded vulture, is a rare bird found in mountainous regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia. These scavengers primarily feed on bones, dropping them from heights to access the marrow, supplementing their diet with small animals, fruits, and carrion.

Lear’s Macaw:

Lear’s Macaw, native to Brazil, is an endangered species restricted to a small country area. These vibrant blue parrots predominantly feed on seeds, nuts, and fruits from specific palm trees.

Other rare birds starting with “L”:

  • Lark Bunting
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Long-wattled Umbrellabird
  • Luzon Bleeding-heart

Fascinating Birds Starting With M


Magpies are known for their striking black and white plumage with iridescent blue or green hues. They’re found across various habitats in Europe, Asia, and North America. These omnivorous birds have a diverse diet, feeding on insects, fruits, seeds, and occasionally small vertebrates.


Macaws, vividly colored parrots native to Central and South America, inhabit forests, woodlands, and savannas. They consume a varied diet consisting of fruits, nuts, seeds, and occasionally flowers and leaves.

Other birds starting with “M”:

  • Mockingbird
  • Mallard
  • Myna
  • Mourning Dove
  • Marabou Stork

Birds With a Name Beginning With N



Nightingales are renowned for their melodious and enchanting songs. These small songbirds inhabit Europe, Asia, and Africa, preferring dense vegetation in woodlands, scrublands, and gardens. Their diet primarily consists of insects, spiders, and berries.


Nuthatches are small birds found in forests and woodlands across various continents. Known for their unique ability to climb headfirst down tree trunks, they feed on insects, seeds, and nuts.

Other birds starting with “N”:

  • Nene
  • Northern Harrier
  • Noddy
  • Nutcracker

Birds With the Name O


Ostriches are the largest living birds and are native to Africa. They inhabit savannas and open grasslands. These flightless birds are omnivorous, primarily feeding on plants, seeds, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates.


Ospreys are raptors found worldwide, often near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. These birds of prey primarily feed on fish, diving feet-first into the water to catch their prey.

Other birds starting with “O”:

  • Ovenbird
  • Oystercatcher
  • Olive Sparrow
  • Orange-winged Amazon Parrot

Birds That Begin With the Letter P



Penguins are flightless birds primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, inhabiting regions such as Antarctica, South America, Africa, and New Zealand. They are skillful swimmers and primarily feed on fish and krill.


Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are found worldwide in urban areas, parks, and forests. Their diet includes seeds, grains, and human scraps.

Other birds starting with “P”:

  • Pelican
  • Peacock
  • Puffin
  • Parakeet
  • Plover

Names of Birds Start With Q


Quails are small ground-dwelling birds found worldwide, inhabiting a variety of environments such as grasslands, woodlands, and agricultural areas. They have a diverse diet that includes seeds, insects, and small invertebrates.


Quetzals are vibrantly colored birds predominantly found in the cloud forests of Central and South America. They primarily feed on fruits, insects, and occasionally small lizards.

Other birds starting with “Q”:

  • Queen Carola’s Parotia
  • Queensland Parrot
  • Quailfinch
  • Quail-dove

Names of Birds Start With R


Robins are small songbirds found in various habitats across Europe, Asia, and North America. They primarily feed on insects, fruits, and seeds. Known for their red or orange breast, they often appear in gardens, woodlands, and parks.

Red-tailed Hawk: 

Red-tailed Hawks are raptors commonly seen in North America, occupying open areas like fields and forests. They prey on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Other birds starting with “R”:

  • Raven
  • Ring-necked Pheasant
  • Roadrunner
  • Rock Dove
  • Roseate Spoonbill

S-Named Birds



Sparrows are small passerine birds found globally in various habitats, including urban areas, grasslands, and woodlands. They primarily feed on seeds, grains, and insects.


Swallows are agile birds known for their graceful flight. They inhabit a wide range of habitats worldwide, including open fields and wetlands. Swallows mainly feed on flying insects captured in mid-air.

Other birds starting with “S”:

  • Starling
  • Sandpiper
  • Snowy Owl
  • Stork
  • Sanderling

Names of Birds That Begin With T


Toucans are colorful birds found in Central and South America tropical forests. They have large, vibrant bills and primarily feed on fruits, insects, and occasionally small lizards or eggs.


Terns are seabirds found worldwide along coastlines and near bodies of water. They feed on fish and plunge-dive into the water to catch their prey.

Other birds starting with “T”:

  • Turkey
  • Titmouse
  • Thrasher
  • Tanager
  • Tufted Duck

A List of Unique Birds Beginning With the Letter U

Ural Owl: 

Ural Owls are large nocturnal birds found in forests across Europe and Asia. They primarily feed on small mammals, birds, and occasionally insects. These owls inhabit dense woodlands and often nest in tree cavities.


Umbrella Birds are striking birds native to rainforests of Central and South America. They have a distinctive crest on their head and a pendulous flap of skin on their chest. Their diet includes fruits, insects, and small vertebrates.

Other birds starting with “U”:

  • Upland Sandpiper
  • Uguisu (Japanese Bush Warbler)

A List of Birds Whose Names Begin With V


Vultures are large scavenging birds found worldwide, inhabiting various environments, from forests to open plains. They feed primarily on carrion, playing a vital role in cleaning up animal carcasses and preventing the spread of diseases.

Violet-green Swallow: 

Violet-green Swallows are small songbirds native to North America, often found in open woodlands and near water. They primarily feed on flying insects captured in mid-air.

Other birds starting with “V”:

  • Veery
  • Varied Thrush
  • Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
  • Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Names of Popular Birds Begin With W



Woodpeckers are medium-sized birds found worldwide in forests and woodlands. They have specialized adaptations for drumming on trees to find insects and sap. Their diet primarily includes insects, larvae, and occasionally fruits or nuts.


Warblers are small, colorful songbirds found in various habitats like forests, shrublands, and gardens. They primarily feed on insects and are known for their melodious songs during the breeding season.

Other birds starting with “W”:

  • Wren
  • Whimbrel
  • Western Meadowlark
  • Wilson’s Snipe

Names of Birds That Begin With X


Xenops are small, inconspicuous birds found in forests across Central and South America. They primarily feed on insects and larvae by probing into bark crevices and foliage.

Xantus’s Hummingbird: 

Xantus’s Hummingbirds are native to Baja California in Mexico. They inhabit desert scrublands, feed primarily on nectar from flowers, and occasionally catch small insects in flight.

Bird species whose names begin with the letter X.

  • Xeme (Sabine’s Gull)
  • Xantus’s Murrelet

Birds That Begin With the Letter Y

Yellow Warbler: 

Yellow Warblers are small, vibrant songbirds found across North and Central America. They inhabit various habitats like forests, wetlands, and gardens. Their diet primarily includes insects, caterpillars, and spiders.

Yellow-headed Blackbird: 

Yellow-headed Blackbirds are striking birds found in marshes and wetlands across North America. They primarily feed on seeds, insects, and aquatic invertebrates.

Other birds starting with “Y”:

  • Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler
  • Yellow-crowned Night Heron
  • Yellow-throated Sparrow

Z-Letter Bird Species

Zebra Dove: 

Zebra Dove

Zebra Doves, also known as Barred Ground Doves, are small, ground-dwelling birds native to Southeast Asia and parts of Australia. They inhabit open habitats like gardens, parks, and scrublands. Their diet primarily consists of seeds, grains, and small insects.

Zone-tailed Hawk: 

Zone-tailed Hawks are birds of prey found in the Americas. They inhabit wooded areas and canyons. Their diet includes small mammals, reptiles, and occasionally insects.

Other birds are sometimes referred to with “Z” in their names:

  • Zenaida Dove
  • Zitting Cisticola

While not numerous, these birds demonstrate unique habits, adaptations, and ecological roles within their respective habitats.


Throughout this comprehensive exploration of birds from A to Z, we’ve uncovered a diverse array of bird species showcasing unique traits, habitats, and dietary preferences. 

From the vibrant plumage of the Cardinal to the striking plunge-diving skills of Gannets, each bird brings a distinctive presence to the natural world.

Starting from the majestic Eagles and Falcons to the tiny yet melodious Warblers and Sparrows, these birds exhibit remarkable adaptations suited to their habitats—whether soaring high in the sky or foraging amid dense forests and grasslands.

Birds like the Woodpecker and Toucan display specialized beaks for varied feeding strategies, while species like Vultures play crucial roles in maintaining ecosystem balance by scavenging on carrion.

While some letters like X and Z pose challenges in identifying bird species, the majority of the alphabet unveils a rich tapestry of avian life.

Although these birds differ, they contribute to ecosystems around the world through their melodies, colors, and ecological roles, enriching our natural landscapes in many ways. 

As an integral part of our planet’s biodiversity, birds play a crucial role in nature due to their fascinating diversity, their behaviors, and their vital roles.